Kitengela, Athi River, 肯尼亚的日出日落时间表

Location: 肯尼亚 > 马查科斯 > 肯尼亚阿西里弗 >
2024-07-27 02:38:20
06:37:08 AM
06:40:14 PM
12h 3m 6s
06:37:06 AM
06:40:14 PM
12h 3m 8s


日期 日出 日落 日照时常
2024年01月01日 06:29:23 AM 06:41:49 PM 12h 12m 26s
2024年02月01日 06:40:17 AM 06:51:04 PM 12h 10m 47s
2024年03月01日 06:40:07 AM 06:48:29 PM 12h 8m 22s
2024年04月01日 06:32:52 AM 06:38:41 PM 12h 5m 49s
2024年05月01日 06:27:16 AM 06:31:03 PM 12h 3m 47s
2024年06月01日 06:28:53 AM 06:31:22 PM 12h 2m 29s
2024年07月01日 06:35:02 AM 06:37:22 PM 12h 2m 20s
2024年07月27日 06:37:08 AM 06:40:14 PM 12h 3m 6s
2024年07月28日 06:37:05 AM 06:40:14 PM 12h 3m 9s
2024年08月01日 06:36:47 AM 06:40:07 PM 12h 3m 20s
2024年09月01日 06:29:18 AM 06:34:31 PM 12h 5m 13s
2024年10月01日 06:17:46 AM 06:25:20 PM 12h 7m 34s
2024年11月01日 06:10:38 AM 06:20:47 PM 12h 10m 9s
2024年12月01日 06:15:23 AM 06:27:31 PM 12h 12m 8s


instagramapp square squareformat iphoneography uploaded:by=instagram
Good Morning. Sunrise Magic!! NNP - Jan 2017 - ISO 100 - 400mm - f/2.8 - 1/1600
instagramapp square squareformat iphoneography uploaded:by=instagram
Magic!!! The African sun creates the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets and I am sure that everyone that has seen this will say that it is purely and simply Magic. Being born in Africa and living in Africa is just a blessing. To top it off I live in Ken
themalesandgrouse yellowthroatedsandgrouse pteroclesgutturalis pteroclididae bird birder birdlife birdperfect birdwatcher birdsofeastafrica birdlifephotography avian plumage feathers ornithology beautifulbird colourfulbird wildbird animal wildlife africanwildlife safari gamedrive wildafrica wildanimal sunset goldenhour goldenlight athibasindam nairobinationalpark nairobi kenya macswildpixels coth alittlebeauty coth5 ngc npc naturethroughthelens
The Male Sandgrouse!
instagramapp square squareformat iphoneography uploaded:by=instagram
Morning Magic Playing with light early morning is the best time to get good unique results. I have many photos of sunrises from the early part of 2017 and have been really working to get good sunrise shots. I ISO 100 - 200mm - f/2.8 - 1/5000 #01July201
instagramapp square squareformat iphoneography uploaded:by=instagram
Sunrise in Nairobi A simple sunrise in Nairobi National Park. This park has very good sunrise and sunsets and a lot of the time in the flight path resulting in airplanes in the photo. ISO 400 - 200mm - f/2.8 - 1/1600 #04May2017 #naturewildlife365 #pr
instagramapp square squareformat iphoneography uploaded:by=instagram
The African Sun!! One of the most beautiful things on safari are the sunrise and sunsets. They are always dramatic and outstanding. The colors of sky are beautiful and you get a whole set of colors before, during and after the sunrise or sunset. I love t
instagramapp square squareformat iphoneography uploaded:by=instagram
Young Sirua This was Sirua about one year ago and he was enjoying the sunset over the Ngong hills. Sirua has become a big blonde male!! ISO 100 - 400mm - f/5 - 1/1250 #25May2017 #naturewildlife365 #project365 #worldofthewild #wow #savennp #dontyoudar
square squareformat iphoneography instagramapp uploaded:by=instagram
Yesterday's ivory burn was the largest in history. 105 tons set ablaze to pass the message 'If it's not on the elephant, it's worthless.' #WorthMoreAlive #StopTheTrade #LightAFire #NatGeo #YourShot #NatGeoYourShot
instagramapp square squareformat iphoneography uploaded:by=instagram
Monochrome Sunrise Magic A different kind of sunrise. I never thought that I could actually make a monochrome sunrise look good but this one turned out. I am happy with the result. The bird sat patiently for me and that was just the luck I needed. ISO
worldgiraffeday2018 giraffe masaigiraffe animal wildlife africanwildlife wildafrica wildanimal wildlifephotography endangered endangeredspecies criticallyendangered sunrise goldenlight goldenhour safari gamedrive herbivore ungulates nairobinationalpark nairobi kenya macswildpixels coth coth5 ngc npc alittlebeauty fantasticnature saariysqualitypictures
World Giraffe Day 2018
africanwhitebackedvulture whitebackedvulture gypsafricanus accipitridae vulture raptor bird birdlife birder birdwatcher birdperfect birdofprey birdsofeastafrica avian plumage feathers ornithology animal wildlife africanwildlife wildafrica wildanimal wildbird wildlifephotography safari gamedrive sunrise goldenhour goldenlight nairobinationalpark nairobi kenya macswildpixels mrmrsgypsafricanus endangered criticallyendangered coth5 ngc npc
Mr. & Mrs. Gyps!
thesunbathinghyrax rockhyrax procaviacapensis hyracoidea procavia animal wildlife africanwildlife wildafrica wildanimal wildlifephotography safari gamedrive sunbathing outdoors outofafrica nature naturephotography sunrise goldenhour goldenlight nairobinationalpark nairobi kenya macswildpixels coth alittlebeauty specanimal coth5 ngc npc
The Sunbathing Hyrax!
princeofnnp lion subadultmalelion simba lionpride lioncub lions pantheraleo animal wildlife africanwildlife wildafrica wildanimal wildcats bigpussycat safari gamedrive beautifulpussy beautifulcat wildlifephotography wildpussy sunrise goldenhour goldenlight goldenpussy outdoors outofafrica nature naturephotography nairobinationalpark nairobi kenya macswildpixels alittlebeauty coth coth5 ngc naturethroughthelens
Prince of NNP!