
Location: 奥地利 > 蒂罗尔州 > 奥地利伊姆斯特 > >
2024-09-21 02:54:20
07:03:23 AM
07:16:22 PM
12h 12m 59s
07:04:43 AM
07:14:20 PM
12h 9m 37s


日期 日出 日落 日照时常
2024年01月01日 08:03:39 AM 04:37:29 PM 8h 33m 50s
2024年02月01日 07:42:26 AM 05:18:43 PM 9h 36m 17s
2024年03月01日 06:55:08 AM 06:03:11 PM 11h 8m 3s
2024年04月01日 06:53:54 AM 07:47:22 PM 12h 53m 28s
2024年05月01日 05:59:07 AM 08:28:57 PM 14h 29m 50s
2024年06月01日 05:24:12 AM 09:05:52 PM 15h 41m 40s
2024年07月01日 05:25:33 AM 09:16:39 PM 15h 51m 6s
2024年08月01日 05:56:55 AM 08:49:45 PM 14h 52m 50s
2024年09月01日 06:37:22 AM 07:56:09 PM 13h 18m 47s
2024年09月21日 07:03:43 AM 07:15:51 PM 12h 12m 8s
2024年09月22日 07:05:03 AM 07:13:49 PM 12h 8m 46s
2024年10月01日 07:17:10 AM 06:55:39 PM 11h 38m 29s
2024年11月01日 07:01:39 AM 04:59:32 PM 9h 57m 53s
2024年12月01日 07:43:56 AM 04:28:53 PM 8h 44m 57s


blue light sunset sky panorama cloud mist mountain mountains alps nature clouds landscape geotagged flow austria evening tirol österreich haze long solitude loneliness afternoon view pentax outdoor pano wide dramatic sigma silence serene lonely outlook peaks float coordinates hdr tyrol position lat k5 hover oberland 2014 imst photomatix sigma1770 hahntennjoch traumlicht traumlichtfabrik falschkogel
dreams are free
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“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
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“I just told you my dreams and you made me see that I could walk into the sun and I could still be me and now I can't deny nothing lasts forever.”
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I wish you a fantastic week-end
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“So many of our dreams at first seems impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”
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And as the hands would turn with time; She'd always say that she was mine; She'd turn and lend a smile, To say that she's gone. But in a whisper she'd arrive; And dance into my life. Like a music melody, Like a lovers song.
sunset mountains alps geotagged austria evening tirol österreich long solitude loneliness pentax sigma calm silence lonely rays peaks coordinates hdr tyrol position lat k5 calmness oberland photomatix 2013 sigma1770 traumlicht traumlichtfabrik karres
last rays of light
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I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills, I love the flowers, I love the summer breeze, I love the wind blow, I love the river flow. I love life.
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awaiting winter
sunset panorama sun mountains alps geotagged austria tirol österreich long sonnenuntergang pentax pano sigma explore sonne frontpage 2009 coordinates hdr tyrol position lat theshow lenka oberland inntal 3xp photomatix sigma1020 autopanopro innvalley gacherblick k200d traumlicht traumlichtfabrik
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
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last sun rays
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"You must be the change you want to see in the world"
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All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you
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"To me, every hour of the day and night is an unspeakably perfect miracle."
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“Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin!"
world blue autumn trees sky orange mountains alps tree green nature clouds geotagged austria tirol österreich europa europe long pentax herbst natur himmel wolken sigma berge gras grün alpen blau 1770 bäume baum coordinates hdr tyrol position lat 2012 k5 welt oberland bracketing miemingerplateau sonnenplateau traumlicht traumlichtfabrik
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
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"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."
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"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"
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Austria/Tyrol - soft tone sunrise
sunset panorama sun mountains alps geotagged austria tirol österreich long sonnenuntergang pentax pano rip sigma sonne 2009 coordinates hdr tyrol position lat oberland inntal 3xp photomatix sigma1020 autopanopro michaljackson healtheworld innvalley gacherblick k200d traumlicht traumlichtfabrik youwereoneofthegreatest wewillalwaysrememberyou yourmusicwillalwaysremaininourheadsandourhearts
Michael Jackson you were one of the greatest, we will always remember you and your music will always remain in our heads and our hearts. May you find your peace, which you seemed not to find on earth, where you are now. RIP
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“May the sun shine all day long, everything go right and nothing wrong. May those you love bring love back to you, and may all the wishes you wish come true!”
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#lovetirol - the sun is rising
trip mountains clouds sunrise austria europe imst camera:make=canon geo:city=stockholm exif:make=canon exif:focal_length=58mm exif:iso_speed=640 camera:model=canoneos5dmarkii geostate exif:model=canoneos5dmarkii exif:lens=ef24105mmf4lisusm geo:countrys=sweden
sunrise in alps