
Location: 德国 > 北莱茵-威斯特法伦 > 德国代特莫尔德 > 德国利珀 >
2024-07-05 17:14:38
05:11:24 AM
09:45:14 PM
16h 33m 50s
05:12:20 AM
09:44:38 PM
16h 32m 18s


日期 日出 日落 日照时常
2024年01月01日 08:31:51 AM 04:22:23 PM 7h 50m 32s
2024年02月01日 08:03:27 AM 05:10:48 PM 9h 7m 21s
2024年03月01日 07:06:57 AM 06:04:27 PM 10h 57m 30s
2024年04月01日 06:55:50 AM 07:58:31 PM 13h 2m 41s
2024年05月01日 05:51:28 AM 08:49:42 PM 14h 58m 14s
2024年06月01日 05:08:10 AM 09:34:59 PM 16h 26m 49s
2024年07月01日 05:08:18 AM 09:47:00 PM 16h 38m 42s
2024年07月05日 05:11:38 AM 09:45:05 PM 16h 33m 27s
2024年07月06日 05:12:34 AM 09:44:29 PM 16h 31m 55s
2024年08月01日 05:46:45 AM 09:13:00 PM 15h 26m 15s
2024年09月01日 06:36:54 AM 08:09:42 PM 13h 32m 48s
2024年10月01日 07:26:08 AM 06:59:45 PM 11h 33m 37s
2024年11月01日 07:20:25 AM 04:53:52 PM 9h 33m 27s
2024年12月01日 08:10:46 AM 04:15:07 PM 8h 4m 21s


autumn sun sunshine photoshop canon eos yahoo google flickr raw image time © adobe 24mm 15th lightroom copyrighted schneiderkreuznach 2011 pixelwork 500px thelightpainterssociety oliverhoell allphotoscopyrighted
ToDay - Tue 15th Nov, 2011
friends sunset nature photoshop canon germany landscape eos dawn yahoo google flickr raw oliver image © adobe l dslr lightroom copyrighted 2011 digitalcameraclub theatmosphere ef1740mmf4lusm pixelwork photographyrocks 500px flickraward flickrdiamond flickrlovers photographersgonewild thelightpainterssociety panoramafotográfico doubledragonawards oneofmypics oliverhoell pixelwork©11photography copyright©2011bypixelwork allphotoscopyrighted
. ..to dawn.. .
sunset sky sun canon photography eos yahoo google flickr raw adobe lightroom photomatixpro 500px thelightpainterssociety oliverhoell olivers|photography copyright©oliverhoellallrightsreserved
. ..sunset sky.. .
trees sunset sun nature photoshop canon river germany eos yahoo google flickr raw image © adobe weser homeland lightroom copyrighted lowersaxony rinteln pixelwork 500px canoneos50d sigma1770mmf2845dchsm thelightpainterssociety pixelwork©09photography oliverhoell glowinthewestaftersunset theacademytreealley allphotoscopyrighted
~~~ glow in the west after sunset ~~~
sunset silhouette balloon hdr abeautifulmoment canoneosrebelxsi yvonnemartejevs sigmaex1020mm456dchsm
november trees sunrise germany deutschland nikon frost schaumburg landschaft sonnenaufgang frostymorning niedersachsen lowersaxony rinteln baume kenduke nikond300s kenray44 kennethraymondduke
Frosty sunrise
light sunset sun nature photoshop canon landscape eos yahoo google flickr raw image © adobe 2012 lightroom copyrighted digitalcameraclub 500px adobephotoshoplightroom thelightpainterssociety presettinglightroom oliverhoell allphotoscopyrighted
. ..sunset nature.. .
sunset sky sun sunshine clouds photoshop canon landscape eos yahoo google flickr raw sonnenuntergang image © wolken adobe landschaft sonne lightroom copyrighted pixelwork 500px canoneos50d sigma1770mmf2845dchsm thelightpainterssociety pixelwork©2009photography oliverhoell theoriginalgoldseal allphotoscopyrighted
I wish you a very nice sunday!
winter light sunset sky sun colour nature water beautiful architecture clouds canon germany season landscape deutschland licht soleil countryside december cloudy awesome natur himmel wolken ciel processing handheld architektur nuages schloss landschaft sonne allemagne hdr duitsland westfalen ostwestfalen 24105 weserrenaissance lippe wassermühle lemgo photomatix eos6d schlossbrake landschaftfotos christiankortum
Frozen Time
trees friends sunset plants nature photoshop canon germany eos yahoo google flickr raw sonnenuntergang image © perspective adobe frame bäume lightroom copyrighted pixelwork 500px canoneos50d flickrlovers thelightpainterssociety panoramafotográfico sigma70200mmex28dgmacrohsmii “flickraward” pixelwork©09photography oliverhoell theacademytreealley allphotoscopyrighted
(-: ... welcome to my sunshine state ... :-)
trees winter friends light sunset sky sun snow tree nature photoshop canon river germany landscape photography eos photo scenery flickr raw photographer oliver angle image © perspective sigma scene adobe frame dslr wintertime tones 2010 peacefull copyrighted lowersaxony rinteln pixelwork totalphoto photographyrocks canoneos50d aplusphoto flickraward photoscape diamondclassphotographer flickrdiamond keepyoureyesopen theunforgettablepictures eliteimages concordians thebestofday gününeniyisi spiritofphotography qualitypixels flickrlovers photographersgonewild thelightpainterssociety doubledragonawards oneofmypics “flickraward” sigma70200mmf28exdgmakrohsmii oliverhoell theacademytreealley pixelwork©2010photography fromoliverhoell wintertranquility2010 allphotoscopyrighted
...wonderful winter evening...
winter friends sunset sea blackandwhite bw sun monochrome sunshine photoshop canon germany landscape eos mono frozen yahoo google flickr raw adobephotoshop view image © adobe frame dslr 2009 lightroom copyrighted pixelwork totalphoto photographyrocks 500px flickraward photoscape flickrdiamond canoneos450d eliteimages thebestofday sigma1770mmf2845dchsm qualitypixels flickrlovers photographersgonewild thelightpainterssociety paololivornosfriends doubledragonawards dragondaggerphoto artofimages oneofmypics “flickraward” pixelwork©2009photography multimegaship oliverhoell oliverhöll allphotoscopyrighted
... a few months ago ...
Sonnenuntergang im Getreidefeld
trees nature canon yahoo google flickr raw adobe lightroom naturesfinest 500px naturescreations oliverhoell theacademytreealley olivers|photography
Sonnenuntergang mit Rotstich
Hochspannungsleitung im Sonnenuntergang
trees sunset abandoned nature photoshop canon eos yahoo google flickr raw glow image © silhouettes adobe lightroom copyrighted potofgold amazingshot pixelwork 500px canoneos50d adobephotoshoplightroom anotherdiamond astoundingimage vosplusbellesphotos thelightpainterssociety alwaysexcellent sigma70200mmex28dgmacrohsmii pixelwork©09photography diamondphotographersclub oliverhoell flickrunitedaward framephotoscapedigital theacademytreealley allphotoscopyrighted
"Sunset Glow"
light sunset sea sun colour nature sunshine photoshop canon landscape eos yahoo google flickr raw oliver view image time © vivid sigma atmosphere vision adobe frame 2009 lightroom copyrighted pixelwork creativephoto 500px photoscape adobephotoshoplightroom canoneos450d sigma1770mmf2845dchsm thelightpainterssociety doubledragonawards artofimages “flickraward” pixelwork©2009photography oliverhoell oliverhöll allphotoscopyrighted
It's time for another day
Sonnenuntergang mit Blaustich
Sonnenuntergang am Kiesteich