Horas de salida y puesta de sol de Tuntex Sky Tower, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwán

Location: Taiwán > Kaohsiung > Distrito de Lingya > Taiwán >
Zona horaria:
Hora local:
2024-09-21 09:00:15
Salida de sol de hoy:
05:47:18 AM
Puesta de sol de hoy:
05:56:11 PM
La duración del día hoy:
12h 8m 53s
Salida de sol de mañana:
05:47:35 AM
Puesta de sol de mañana:
05:55:11 PM
La duración del día mañana:
12h 7m 36s

Mostrar todas las fechas

Fecha Salida de sol Puesta de sol Duración del día
01/01/2024 06:38:45 AM 05:25:20 PM 10h 46m 35s
01/02/2024 06:38:00 AM 05:46:31 PM 11h 8m 31s
01/03/2024 06:19:38 AM 06:02:27 PM 11h 42m 49s
01/04/2024 05:50:52 AM 06:14:14 PM 12h 23m 22s
01/05/2024 05:25:55 AM 06:25:48 PM 12h 59m 53s
01/06/2024 05:13:40 AM 06:39:45 PM 13h 26m 5s
01/07/2024 05:17:51 AM 06:47:40 PM 13h 29m 49s
01/08/2024 05:30:24 AM 06:39:51 PM 13h 9m 27s
01/09/2024 05:41:28 AM 06:15:55 PM 12h 34m 27s
21/09/2024 05:47:18 AM 05:56:11 PM 12h 8m 53s
22/09/2024 05:47:35 AM 05:55:11 PM 12h 7m 36s
01/10/2024 05:50:22 AM 05:46:19 PM 11h 55m 57s
01/11/2024 06:03:29 AM 05:21:15 PM 11h 17m 46s
01/12/2024 06:22:26 AM 05:13:26 PM 10h 51m 0s


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Kaohsiung Sunset
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canon 夕陽 高雄 日落 海港 高雄港 打狗
駁二 落日
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頭頂上的夕彩 dusk
愛河沿岸- 今日黃昏~
夕陽無限好 只是近黃昏⋯⋯
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Sunrise on the lake
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#Final #view????of #day???? #escape41
Sunrise (THSR Zuoying Station)
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Sunrise (THSR Zuoying Station)
Harbor Sunrise
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120415 sunrise at chung cing hu lake
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衛武營火燒雲夕照 -10
square squareformat iphoneography instagramapp uploaded:by=instagram
Good morning! It's pretty good to see the sunrise in Kaohsiung, south of Taiwan~
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4917 台灣風景 特色建築 人文寫真 - 港都 高雄 港灣風情 . Sunset Moment On Kaohsiung City . TAIWAN

Mapa de Tuntex Sky Tower, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwán

Tuntex Sky Tower, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwán

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