Horas de salida y puesta de sol de Óblast de Pskov, Rusia

Location: Rusia >
Zona horaria:
Hora local:
2024-10-09 10:25:21
Salida de sol de hoy:
08:25:02 AM
Puesta de sol de hoy:
07:16:24 PM
La duración del día hoy:
10h 51m 22s
Salida de sol de mañana:
08:27:08 AM
Puesta de sol de mañana:
07:13:47 PM
La duración del día mañana:
10h 46m 39s

Mostrar todas las fechas

Fecha Salida de sol Puesta de sol Duración del día
01/01/2024 10:39:49 AM 05:34:19 PM 6h 54m 30s
01/02/2024 10:01:45 AM 06:32:31 PM 8h 30m 46s
01/03/2024 08:53:49 AM 07:37:44 PM 10h 43m 55s
01/04/2024 07:30:38 AM 08:43:53 PM 13h 13m 15s
01/05/2024 06:14:08 AM 09:47:08 PM 15h 33m 0s
01/06/2024 05:18:54 AM 10:44:17 PM 17h 25m 23s
01/07/2024 05:16:52 AM 10:58:27 PM 17h 41m 35s
01/08/2024 06:05:28 AM 10:14:23 PM 16h 8m 55s
01/09/2024 07:08:05 AM 08:58:41 PM 13h 50m 36s
01/10/2024 08:08:47 AM 07:37:17 PM 11h 28m 30s
09/10/2024 08:25:23 AM 07:15:58 PM 10h 50m 35s
10/10/2024 08:27:29 AM 07:13:20 PM 10h 45m 51s
01/11/2024 09:15:01 AM 06:19:20 PM 9h 4m 19s
01/12/2024 10:16:25 AM 05:29:26 PM 7h 13m 1s


pentaxk5 hdpentaxda15mmf4limited landscape landscapebeauty sky russia pskovoblast summer colorful nature countryside dramaticsky sunset meadow cloudscape serenity beauty sunbeams небо сельскийпейзаж закат лучи небеса луг псковскаяобласть hdr river рекавеликая красота
Summer-evening mood
winter pentaxk5 snow branches landscape countryside pskovoblast pentaxda55mmf14 forest snowcovered evening sunset bluesky birch field снег зима лес береза закат пейзаж псковскаяобласть landscapebeauty arc arch
Winter evening in the snowy forest
pentaxk5 pskovoblast sigma1750mmf28 winter snow landscape sunlight sunset scene park outdoor nature porkhov russia trees landscapebeauty sunstar
Decline over sorted by summer theater in the park of the city of Porkhov.
pskov pskovskayaoblast pskovoblast
russia petrovskoye pskovoblast pushkinskiyegory
Sunset in Petrovskoye, Pushkinskiye Gory
russia pskovoblast pushkinskiyegory
River Sorot'
buildingexterior church dome dusk everypixel lake night silhouette spirituality sunset architecture cathedral christianity famousplace history outdoors reflection religion river sky water pskov pskovskayaoblast russland ru
Pskov evening
pentaxk5 hdpentaxda15mmf4limited blackandwhite monochrome landscape gloomyweather bumps offroad rural provincial russia pskovoblast бездорожье ухабы пейзаж псковскаяобласть россия чернобелое монохром мрачный sad действительность reality дно
Crossroad of Russian roads
pentaxk5 landscape rural countryside blackandwhite bw russia pskovoblast nature weather gloomy sad outdoor pentaxda300mmf4 bokeh bokehphotography bokehss fence wooden crooked snowflakes snow snowfall снегопад зима деревянныйзабор деревня погода пейзаж
Crooked rustic fence in the snowfall
pentaxk5 winter landscape outdoor oneman nature atmosphericprecipitation зима лед снег frost mist fog haze river landscapebeauty snowcovered white russia sunlight sunbeams morning мороз шелонь псковскаяобласть утро pskovoblast pentaxda300mmf4 pentaxart
Frosty morning on the river Shelon
blackandwhite bw tower monochrome fortress pentaxk5 hdpentaxda15mmf4limited bridge wall architecture landscape russia landmark башня архитектура крепость чернобелое мост tallmark псковскаяобласть pskovoblast porkhov historical пейзаж стена достопримечательность исторический монохром 13thcentury 13век
Revival of the old tower (Porkhov fortress)
2016 city pskov summer pskovskayaoblast russia ru псков россия psk park trees sun sunlight grass green парк деревья fujifilmxe2 fujinonxf35mm
Summer solstice
truvor’ssettlement pskovoblast pentax1855mm history landscape russia россия псковскаяобласть landscapebeauty valley труворовогородище изборск hill grassland field
Truvor’s settlement
pentaxk5 pentaxda300mmf4 landscape landscapebeauty bw monochrome stylized blackandwhite pskovoblast shelon river smooth water coast flow august пейзаж псковскаяобласть шелонь река россия чернобелое монохром стилизация
Summer morning on the river Shelon
pentaxk5 church ortodox landscape architecture building bridge river summer pentaxda1855mmf3556 hdr pskovoblast ostrov countryside coastline flow water russia городостров псковскаяобласть рекавеликая пейзаж
Church of St. Nicholas in the town of Ostrov On the Velikaya river
pentaxk5 hdpentaxda15mmf4limited hdr temple church orthodox landmark landscape landscapebeauty summer way road pathway pskovoblast russia gdov храм церковь достопримечательность гдов псковскаяобласть путь пейзаж православие купол лето
Road to the temple
pentaxk5 pentaxda1855mmf3556 hdr blackandwhite monochrome landscape landscapebeauty pentaxart mystic forest trees pskovoblast road way stylization nature scenery пейзаж псковскаяобласть мистика путь дорога чернобелое russia pentaxlife
Road through the mystical forest
pskovcavesmonasteryorthepskovopecherskydormitionmonasteryorpskovopecherskymonasteryrussianпско́вопеч́ерскийуспе́нскиймонасты́рь estonianpetserikloosterisarussianorthodoxmalemonastery locatedinpechory pskovoblastinrussia justafewkilometersfromtheestonianborderpskovcavesmonasteryisoneoftherarerussianmonasteriesthathaventbeenclosedatanypointoftheirhistories evenduringworldwariiandthesoviettimesthemonasterywasfoundedinthemid15thcentury whenthefirsthermitssettledinlocalcavesthefirstcavechurchofthedormitionofthetheotokosцерковьуспениябогородицыwasbuiltin1473itsmodernfacadewasconstructedinthe18thcenturyafterthemonasteryhadbeendestroyedbythel itwasrebuiltbyapskoviandyakmikhailmunekhinmisyurin1519aposadsettlementwasbuiltnexttothemonastery whichwouldlatergrowintoatownin1550s1560s pskovopechorskymonasteryanditsposadweresurroundedbyawallwithtowerseventually thesefortificationswererebuiltin1701themonasterybecameanimportantoutpostfordefendingthewesternborderofrussiain1581–1582 itwithstoodthesiegelaidbystefanbatory’sarmyin1611–1616 themonasteryrepelledtheattackofthepolisharmyledbyjankarolchodkiewiczandaleksanderjózeflisowskiandswedisharmyledbygustaviiadolfasfortificationpskovopecherskymonasterylostitsimportanceafterthegreatnorthernwarof1700– pskovopechorskymonasterybelongedtoestoniathemonasterywasoneofthefewactingmalemonasteriesintheussr havingbeensavedfromdestructionbypechorybeingestonianterritorybeforeworldwariiinsoviettimes famousrussianmysticsampsonsieversbrieflylivedandservedinthemonasterysincethefallofthesovietunionthemonasteryhasflourishedcurrentlythemonasticcommunitynumbersover90whothroughtheirpastorallaborslivethetraditionofasc
Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery. Псково-Печерский Успенский монастырь.
landscape open ortodox church architecture russia pskovoblast memorial pentax1855mm softeffect outdoor sacredhill field plain
Sacred Hill
winter pentaxk5 snow branches landscape countryside pskovoblast bullfinches birds red jupiter37a sovietlens 135mm village trio three trees snowcovered pretty снегири птицы псковскаяобласть зима россия ветки снег красавчики красный
Bird trio of bullfinches arrived to people
canoneos5d canon eos 5d canon5dclassic canonef24105mmf3556isstm ef 24105mm f3556 is stm canon24105 canon24105mmstm ff fullframe 36x24 nature outdoor clouds tree alone beautiful landscape green summer природа красиво пейзаж лето дерево трава облака кэнон russia pskovregion pskovoblast россия псковскаяобласть
Clouds / Облака
pentaxk5 landscape rural countryside blackandwhite bw russia pskovoblast nature weather gloomy sad outdoor pentaxda55mmf14 hdr деревня бездорожье грязь путь дорога road way badroads mudslides распутица сельский
The way home
pentaxk5 pentaxda55mmf14 winter rural russia monochrome blackandwhite stylization village pskovoblast snowfall icicles landscape countryside деревня псковскаяобласть чернобелое стилизация монохром россия зима landscapebeauty
Rural snowfall
pentaxk5 hdpentaxda15mmf4limited landscape landscapebeauty sky russia pskovoblast summer colorful nature countryside dramaticsky redcar rural village loghouse небо сельскийпейзаж rainbow arc радуга красный авто дом деревня дача псковскаяобласть afterrain последождя
Rainbow, car and log house in Rural set)
pentaxk5 pskovoblast sigma1750mmf28 winter snow landscape outdoor nature russia trees estate architecture old destroyed thrown bokeh depthoffield
What is stronger?