Horas de salida y puesta de sol de Point, Roosevelt, AZ, EE. UU.

Location: Estados Unidos > Arizona > Condado de Gila > Roosevelt >
Zona horaria:
Hora local:
2024-09-20 16:55:09
Salida de sol de hoy:
06:12:06 AM
Puesta de sol de hoy:
06:21:23 PM
La duración del día hoy:
12h 9m 17s
Salida de sol de mañana:
06:12:47 AM
Puesta de sol de mañana:
06:20:00 PM
La duración del día mañana:
12h 7m 13s

Mostrar todas las fechas

Fecha Salida de sol Puesta de sol Duración del día
01/01/2024 07:28:37 AM 05:27:08 PM 9h 58m 31s
01/02/2024 07:19:47 AM 05:55:32 PM 10h 35m 45s
01/03/2024 06:50:16 AM 06:21:46 PM 11h 31m 30s
01/04/2024 06:09:14 AM 06:45:35 PM 12h 36m 21s
01/05/2024 05:33:42 AM 07:08:12 PM 13h 34m 30s
01/06/2024 05:14:13 AM 07:30:03 PM 14h 15m 50s
01/07/2024 05:18:07 AM 07:38:21 PM 14h 20m 14s
01/08/2024 05:37:23 AM 07:23:09 PM 13h 45m 46s
01/09/2024 05:59:03 AM 06:47:59 PM 12h 48m 56s
20/09/2024 06:11:51 AM 06:21:55 PM 12h 10m 4s
21/09/2024 06:12:32 AM 06:20:31 PM 12h 7m 59s
01/10/2024 06:19:31 AM 06:06:49 PM 11h 47m 18s
01/11/2024 06:44:25 AM 05:30:44 PM 10h 46m 19s
01/12/2024 07:11:42 AM 05:15:37 PM 10h 3m 55s


arizona desert canyon mountains cactus sunset landscape sierraancha saguarocactus carnegieagigantea saguaro sunlight illumination magiclight ruggedterrain desertscape outback sonorandesert parkercanyon backcountry bushwhacking remote sierraanchafoothills 2880ftelevation tontobasin vista ridge mountain tontonationalforest gilacounty untameddesert wild beauty outdoors adventure parkercreekexpedition2017 exploration outinthewild southwest nature canonpowershotg12 pspx8 zoniedude1 earthnaturelife
Magic Light
arizona desert canyon sunset landscape sierraancha mountains sunlight illumination desertcanyons canyonscape outback sonorandesert parkercanyon backcountry bushwhacking remote sierraanchafoothills 2880ftelevation tontobasin vista desertscape tontonationalforest gilacounty untameddesert wild beauty outdoors adventure parkercreekexpedition2017 exploration outinthewild southwest nature canonpowershotg12 pspx8 zoniedude1 earthnaturelife
Desert Canyons
arizona desert cactus canyon sunset cliffs stormclouds landscape spotlight sierraancha mountains sunlight illumination theclearingstorm desertscape outback sonorandesert pricklypearcactus saguaro parkercanyon backcountry bushwhacking remote sierraanchafoothills 2880ftelevation tontobasin vista tontonationalforest gilacounty untameddesert wild beauty outdoors adventure parkercreekexpedition2017 exploration outinthewild southwest nature canonpowershotg12 pspx8 zoniedude1 earthnaturelife
The Clearing Storm
arizona desert canyon mountains cliffs cactus sunset rugged landscape stormclouds sierraancha saguarocactus carnegieagigantea saguaro sunlight illumination desertcanyonsandcliffs ruggedterrain desertscape outback sonorandesert parkercanyon backcountry bushwhacking remote sierraanchafoothills 2880ftelevation tontobasin vista ridge mountain tontonationalforest gilacounty untameddesert wild beauty outdoors adventure parkercreekexpedition2017 exploration outinthewild southwest nature canonpowershotg12 pspx9 zoniedude1 earthnaturelife explore
Desert Canyons and Cliffs
arizona cactus sky foothills mountains southwest nature beauty clouds landscape outdoors spring view desert adventure serenity vista recreation saguaro cactaceae sonorandesert saguaros saguarocactus tontobasin intothewild tontonationalforest carnegieagigantea tonemapped desertscape gilacounty sierraancha zoniedude1 earthnaturelife canonpowershotg12 pspx6 desertspring2014 dutchwomanbutteexpedition2014 saguarosv20
Sagauros v2.0
sunset arizona sky storm rain night clouds gold spring roosevelt rays saguaro 4peaks
Desert thunder passing
wild arizona mountains southwest nature beauty cacti landscape outdoors spring view desert adventure stunning vista backcountry greenery remote wildflowers cactaceae exploration sonorandesert ocotillo teddybearcholla saguarocactus fouquieriasplendens chollacactus tontobasin tontonationalforest carnegieagigantea bushwhacking desertscape desertvista cylindropuntiabigelovii outinthewild gilacounty giantsaguaro cactusforest cactusland zoniedude1 earthnaturelife canonpowershotg12 untameddesert sierraanchafoothills pspx8 desertspring2016 2920ftelevation armergulchexpedition2016 giantcactuscountry
Giant Cactus Country
arizona desert mountains sunset sky clouds fourpeaksandthedesertsky landscape skyscape sunrays sunbeams desertscape fourpeaks desertskies beauty evening outback sonorandesert view backcountry remote solitude sierraanchafoothills 2880ftelevation tontobasin vista tontonationalforest gilacounty untameddesert wild outdoors adventure parkercreekexpedition2017 exploration outinthewild southwest nature canonpowershotg12 pspx9 zoniedude1 earthnaturelife
Four Peaks and the Desert Sky v2.0
wild arizona cactus mountains southwest nature beauty landscape outdoors spring view desert native adventure vista backcountry greenery remote pricklypear exploration sonorandesert equinox perennial ocotillo desertflora fouquieriaceae saguarocactus fouquieriasplendens tontobasin tontonationalforest desertscape desertvista outinthewild gilacounty sierraancha cactusland zoniedude1 earthnaturelife canonpowershotg12 untameddesert sierraanchafoothills pronouncedokoteeo pspx8 desertspring2016 2920ftelevation armergulchexpedition2016 springdesertscape
Spring Desertscape
arizona desert spring wildflowers bluedicks dichelostemmacapitatum deserthyacinth perennial lilyfamily lavender purple blue flower cactus pricklypear evening sunset landscape view light shadow illumination beauty tontobasin schellgulch sierraancha mountains foothills sonorandesert desertscape solitude 3100ftelevation schellgulchexpedition springbreak2013 tontonationalforest gilacounty bloomingdesert outdoors adventure exploration discovery desertspring2013 closeup detail macro southwest nature canonpowershotg12 zoniedude1 earthnaturelife
Blooming Desert
light sunset arizona cactus southwest detail nature closeup outdoors spring flora colorful desert native magenta adventure remote hedgehog wildflowers annual cactaceae pricklypear exploration sonorandesert blooming inbloom cactusblossom cactusflower echinocereusengelmannii tontobasin intothewild tontonationalforest gilacounty strawberryhedgehogcactus pachycereeae zoniedude1 earthnaturelife canonpowershotg12 sierraanchafoothills pspx8 desertspring2016 2920ftelevation armergulchexpedition2016 colorfulpricklyinthesunsetlight
Colorful Prickly in the Sunset Light
light sunset wild arizona cactus sunlight foothills mountains southwest nature beauty landscape outdoors evening shadows view desert hiking canyon adventure stunning vista remote exploration sonorandesert ocotillo saguarocactus greenandgold tontobasin tontonationalforest desertscape parkercanyon ruggedterrain outinthewild gilacounty sierraancha parkercreek desertbeauty zoniedude1 earthnaturelife canonpowershotg12 untameddesert pspx6 desertspring2015 parkercreekexpedition2015 4wdbushwhack 2880ftelevation
Green and Gold
sunset arizona tontonationalforest rooseveltlake
Roosevelt Lake, Arizona - Sunset
arizona desert sunset sky saguarosilhouette sunsetmagnifico landscape skyscape saguaro saguarocactus carnegieagigantea fourpeaks desertskies colorful evening clouds outback sonorandesert view backcountry remote solitude sierraanchafoothills 2880ftelevation tontobasin vista desertscape tontonationalforest gilacounty untameddesert wild beauty outdoors adventure parkercreekexpedition2017 exploration outinthewild southwest nature canonpowershotg12 pspx8 zoniedude1 earthnaturelife explore
Sunset Magnifico
arizona desert mountains sunset sky clouds fourpeaksandthedesertsky landscape skyscape sunrays sunbeam cactus desertscape fourpeaks desertskies beauty evening outback sonorandesert view backcountry remote solitude sierraanchafoothills 2880ftelevation tontobasin vista tontonationalforest gilacounty untameddesert wild outdoors adventure parkercreekexpedition2017 exploration outinthewild southwest nature canonpowershotg12 pspx8 zoniedude1 earthnaturelife
Four Peaks and the Desert Sky
arizona usa nature globe panoramas sunrisesunset
Sunset From Parker Canyon
sunset thunderstorms sierraanchas arizonapassages arizonathunderstorms
Sierra Anchas Sunset
bridge sunset arizona blackandwhite bw usa reflection blancoynegro water architecture landscape noir day clear lightroom lakerooseveltnationalrecreationarea d800e
Thread and Needle
sunset arizona blackandwhite bw reflection blancoynegro water architecture noir day highcontrast symmetry clear lightroom landscapephotography theamericansouthwest lakerooseveltnationalrecreationarea rooseveltlakebridge
Out of The Dark
morning light wild arizona cactus sky foothills mountains southwest bird nature colors beauty silhouette clouds sunrise outdoors dawn view desert adventure glowing saguaro exploration sonorandesert firstlight saguarocactus onefingersalute tontobasin tontonationalforest carnegieagigantea earlyam sierraancha zoniedude1 canonpowershotg11 earthnaturelife parkercreekexpedition2012
One Finger Salute
light sunset wild arizona cactus foothills mountains southwest nature beauty landscape outdoors evening shadows view desert hiking canyon adventure stunning saguaro exploration sonorandesert saguarocactus tontobasin tontonationalforest carnegieagigantea desertscape sierraancha zoniedude1 sunsetonthecliffs parkercreekcanyon canonpowershotg11 parkercliffs earthnaturelife parkercreekexpedition2012
Sunset on the Cliffs
morning arizona cactus foothills lake mountains southwest nature beauty sunrise landscape outdoors view desert basin reservoir adventure valley serenity vista recreation saguaro sonorandesert saguarocactus tontobasin intothewild tontonationalforest impoundment rooseveltlake desertscape gilacounty sierraancha zoniedude1 earthnaturelife canonpowershotg12 desertspring2014 dutchwomanbutteexpedition2014
Desert Lake
morning light wild arizona cactus sky foothills mountains southwest color nature beauty silhouette sunrise outdoors dawn view desert adventure glowing saguaro sunrays exploration sonorandesert firstlight saguarocactus tontobasin tontonationalforest carnegieagigantea earlyam sooc outinthewild sierraancha zoniedude1 earthnaturelife canonpowershotg12 saguarosunrise 2920ftelevation armergulchexpedition2016
Saguaro Sunrise
morning light wild arizona cactus sky foothills mountains southwest color nature beauty silhouette sunrise outdoors dawn spring view desert adventure glowing saguaro sunrays exploration sonorandesert firstlight saguarocactus tontobasin tontonationalforest carnegieagigantea earlyam outinthewild sierraancha sunrisesilhouette zoniedude1 earthnaturelife canonpowershotg12 saguarosunrise 2920ftelevation armergulchexpedition2016
Sunrise Silhouette
morning light arizona cliff mountains southwest nature sunrise landscape outdoors shadows view canyon edge highdesert vista exploration juniper tontonationalforest canyonrim sierraancha canyonscape cracksintheearth zoniedude1 parkercreekcanyon canonpowershotg11
Cracks in the Earth
morning light wild arizona cactus sky foothills mountains southwest nature colors beauty sunrise landscape outdoors shadows view desert hiking adventure saguaro exploration sonorandesert firstlight fourpeaks saguarocactus tontobasin tontonationalforest carnegieagigantea desertscape sierraancha zoniedude1 parkercreekcanyon canonpowershotg11 earthnaturelife parkercreekexpedition2012 fourpeaksatfirstlight
Four Peaks at First Light
morning arizona cactus cliff mountains southwest nature sunrise landscape outdoors shadows view canyon edge highdesert vista agave exploration juniper sotol tontonationalforest canyonrim rooseveltlake sierraancha canyonscape zoniedude1 parkercreekcanyon canonpowershotg11 earthnaturelife
Canyonscape Vista II
wild arizona mountains southwest nature beauty sunrise landscape outdoors spring view desert adventure stunning vista backcountry remote exploration sonorandesert fourpeaks saguarocactus tontobasin tontonationalforest earlyam bushwhacking desertscape outinthewild gilacounty zoniedude1 earthnaturelife canonpowershotg12 untameddesert sierraanchafoothills pspx8 desertspring2016 2920ftelevation armergulchexpedition2016 fourpeaksinthemorning
Four Peaks in the Morning